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Hi, I love this adorable bag! Is there a pattern for the larger bag? I would love to make one!!!


Hello my name is Steffi
I found this Great bag.
I would like to Large Sew the pocket.
Could I get the pattern by e-mail.
I like the beautiful and the opening of the zipper is a little lower at the Great bag.
Thanks in advance
And dear greetings from Germany

Siv Jane

Thank you so much, and yes they are. Enjoy sewing and share pictures on the flickr group when you are done. I would love to see the result:)


Gorgeous purse, are seam allowances included?


A great tutorial for making cosmetica pouches. This pouches are used as make up purses , even wallets and purses . Ladies love to use this type of bags and wallets . They are stylish too.

Siv Jane

It looks lovely cornaline, you should post your pictures to the flickr gallery. :) thank you for sharing.


Thanks for this tutorial !!! I made it today, but in bigger.
You can see it in my blog :




Bonjour Siv Jane!
Un tout grand merci pour ce tuto impeccable,
des explications bien claires,de nombreuses
photos et un super patron!!! Et toutes mes
félicitations pour cette ravissante pochette!
Elle est "de toute beauté"! J'ai les lins ikéa
à la maison;reste plus qu'à la réussir aussi bien que vous...
Quand vous aurez réalisé le tuto de la grande soeur, puis-je vous demander de penser à moi??
Ce serait vraiment gentil! Merci encore.


Is there a tutorial for the larger bag? - I would love to make these for presents - they look great!. Really easy tutorial for someone new to sewing like me!


Lovely i will try it and see what i get. Thanks for sharing :)

Siv Jane

Thank you Keri, I would love to see pictures!!

Keri Kelley

I HATE zippers, and this tutorial taught me a much easy way to sew them!! Thank you!


Really nice! Thanks for sharing your the pattern. I think I am going to try it.


These are beautiful bags, you did a great job, I'm impressed! Your pattern makes it look so doable!


^_^ I Love them! They're so cute... And also like the perfect colour match!! Can't wait to see the big one tutorial! Thanks for sharing!!! Kisses from Spain


Absolutely gorgeous! Did you ever publish the tutorial for the bigger one?


Love this tutorial, can't wait to see the big bag tute!

Zamora Shoes

Wow I'm definitely going to make bags like this!


Hi. This tutorial is amazing - it has very clear pictures and instructions. I have linked you on my blog: http://mel-allwrappedup.blogspot.com.au/p/link-love-to-amazing-free-craft.html.



Absolutely I will let you know when I have it ready.


I would really like to have the pattern for the bigger bag as well!! This is so adorable :)

Could you email it to me if/when you get the pattern done for it? Thanks!

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